Semielfos: lo que opina Greg

Write haof XML files: Master Gollum <mastergollum_at_...>
Fecha: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 14:50:09 +0000

Una cosa esta clara, cada uno puede hacer lo que le de la gana, pero otra esta clara, Glorantha tiene una version oficial y al respecto de los semielfos Greg Staford dijo lo siguiente (escrito de su punyo y letra):

Q: Is it possible for a human and an elf to have a child? How about other races?

  1. The Gloranthan intelligent races are all separate species and are not able to breed with humans or each other. Elves, in particular, are intelligent and mobile plants and cannot normally reproduce with the 'meat-people'. Sexual activities are possible with some species of Aldryami, though this resembles sex only to the human partner, not the elf or dryad. Even trolls cannot breed with humans, though sexual practices are very similar among the two races, and sexual relations are possible, though extremely rare.

However, in the earliest myths these beings had not yet differentiated, and so some bizarre cross breeds were spawned then. Those powerful fertility magics could
be obtained by HeroQuesting and used to circumvent the normal restriction. In particular the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends were able to produce cross-breeds of
different intelligent species (and even with animals, though not with plants), but no one has done this since. As the Hero Wars unfold, player Heroes of an eccentric
bent might find ways to get these magics again, but this would be an incredibly difficult task, and the usefulness of such an act is questionable in any event.

[extraido de la seccion de Greg en ]

Como vemos de semielfos nada de nada.

Runicos saludos,
Master Gollum

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