Re: Semielfos: lo que opina Greg

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Fecha: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 17:27:08 +0000

Todo eso me parece muy bien...¿y como te explicas el semielfo de Apple Lane?
Greg Stafador (donde dije digo, digo Diego) ¿se meterá a político?


> Una cosa esta clara, cada uno puede hacer lo que le de la gana,
> pero otra
> esta clara, Glorantha tiene una version oficial y al respecto de los
> semielfos Greg Staford dijo lo siguiente (escrito de su punyo y
> letra):
> Q: Is it possible for a human and an elf to have a child? How
> about other
> races?
> A: The Gloranthan intelligent races are all separate species and
> are not able
> to breed with humans or each other. Elves, in particular, are
> intelligent and
> mobile plants
> and cannot normally reproduce with the 'meat-people'. Sexual
> activities are
> possible with some species of Aldryami, though this resembles sex
> only to the
> human
> partner, not the elf or dryad. Even trolls cannot breed with
> humans, though
> sexual practices are very similar among the two races, and sexual
> relationsare possible,
> though extremely rare.
> However, in the earliest myths these beings had not yet
> differentiated, and
> so some bizarre cross breeds were spawned then. Those powerful
> fertilitymagics could
> be obtained by HeroQuesting and used to circumvent the normal
> restriction. In
> particular the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends were able to produce
> cross-breeds
> of
> different intelligent species (and even with animals, though not with
> plants), but no one has done this since. As the Hero Wars unfold,
> playerHeroes of an eccentric
> bent might find ways to get these magics again, but this would be an
> incredibly difficult task, and the usefulness of such an act is
> questionablein any event.
> [extraido de la seccion de Greg en ]
> Como vemos de semielfos nada de nada.
> Runicos saludos,
> Master Gollum

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