[HQ] Magia Lunar

Write haof XML files: Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo <antalvarez1976_at_...>
Fecha: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 09:55:35 +0000

Creo que no se me entiende cuando hablo de la Magia Lunar en HQ. Por si a alguien le interesa, copio esto de alguna versión de HQ...

"Lunar Magic

Th Lunar Goddess released a tremendous force when she ascended to the top of the Mortal World. She took her place at its pinacle, and she subjected her powers to the seven-day Lunar cycled. Lunar magical ablities wax and wane based on the phase of the Red Moon. The seven-day cycle, either increases or decreases all Lunar magic as detailed in the Lunar Phases and Goddesss table below. This is the penalty of worshipping the pinacle of the Mortal World.

However, Sedenya, the Lunar POwer, is the great being of all Lunar common magic. Anyone subject to her cycles can chose to concentrate magic on the Lunar Way rather than specicially on innate magic, theism, animism, or wizardry. Doing so requires that they give up all non-Lunar magic of any source. In return, they can concentrate their Lunar common magic (in a manner simliar to Self-Rock teaching). They retain any specialized Lunar magic they know as well, although it does not gain the benefit of concentration. Similarly, a worshipper of a specialized Lunar deity, spirit or saint can concentrate his specialized magic but reatain any Lunar common magic he knows, regardless of its source. This is the benefit of worshipping the pinnacle of the Mortal World.

A Lunar worshipper can still only concentrate on one type of magic, either common magic or one type of specialized magic.

The Lunar Cycle

Dark x 0.3
Cresent Come x 0.5
Empty Half x 1.0
Full x 1.5
Full Half x 1.0
Cresent Go x 0.5
Dying x 0.3

[Horror, creo que no cambian los malditos multiplicadores]

Inside the Glowline, all Lunar magics are boosted as if the Moon were always Full".

[Esto parece que sí lo cambian, pero no estoy seguro de como quedará
al final, en el HW esto solo pasaba si conocías el Secreto de tu culto lunar]



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