Re: Bimbaros

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Fecha: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:35:08 +0000

Pues no se si tendré los pdf en algun sitio pero en esta web he localizado esto. Es posible que tu tambien pero aqui lo dejo:

The Terminus Quest  

 The Terminus Quest The Terminus Quest by Nicholas Effingham with help from Nils Weinander, © Introduction      

 Ver en  Vista previa de Yahoo    

Copio el trozo en que describen algo, aunque no se si respetan la supuesta versión "oficial":

(4) Leaving the Underworld
(4a) The Death HoundAs the two characters attempt to leave the Underworld, they must again meet Sunbiter, who will attempt to stop the Quester from leaving. If the Quester is on the lookout for the Deathhound then match their Perception against it's Stealth. Hopefully the Quester will have found a way to avoid the Deathound completley. Humakt organised for an Umbroli to carry him away to the gates of the Underworld. Other alternatives may be to summon a great eagle to do likewise, call upon Mastakos, use a blessing from Kyger Litor to blind the Hound long enough to escape or any of a myriad of possibilities. Of course, the Quester might well choose, or be forced to, fight the Hound, a dangerous prospect indeed. If the Quester is defeated by Sunbiter then they rematerialize on the Mundane Plane, their body broken and maimed. Randomly select a limb, this is maimed and cannot be healed, although a Regrow Limb after amputation may work. SUNBITER, THE DEATHOUND
 Body 6+; Mind 2; Spirit 5+
 Skills: Agility 2+; Combat 5+; Knowledge 1+; Perception 4; Social 1; Stealth 4  Runes: Darkness 5, Fire 5, Beast 5
 Magic Points: 386  

(4b) The Porter to HellThe second of the adversaries that Humakt had to face was Bimbaros, the Porter to Hell. He met him when the Umbroli carried him to the roof of the Underworld. Here he tried to evade the Giant, but was caught and bravely fought him off. The Quester must do likewise. Those who attempt to avoid the Porter must match their Stealth against the Porter's Perception. If he suceeds then the Quester evades capture, if the Giant suceeds then he finds the Quester and attacks. The Giant appears to be a huge deformed human, with twisted features, carrying a dragon claw as a maul and wearing enchanted lead armour, he roars in anger at those attempting to leave the Underworld and threatens to hang them on his adamant pegs. If the Quester suceeds in defeating the Giant then they may escape back to the Upper World. If they fail then they are captured and spend an eternity on one of the admanite pegs of Bimbaros, unable to leave the Heroplane unless someone else braves it to rescue them.
 Body 5; Mind 2; Spirit 6
 Skills: Agility 1; Combat 5; Knowledge 2; Perception 6; Social 1; Stealth +  Runes: Darkness 4, Mastery 1
 Magic Points: 184  

---En, <alejandro.hart_at_...> escribió:

 Estoy buscando algo de informacion sobre el portero del infierno, ya que la ultima sesion termino con los jugadores enfrente de Bimbaros (del cual no tengo idea de que estadisticas ponerle, necesitaria una guia!)  

 Alguien tiene el Cult Compendium o Wyrm Footnotes y me copia la descripcion? Mecanicas de juego ayudan, pero las tengo que convertir asi que no son extremadamente importantes (jugamos con Savage Worlds)...  

 Probablemente meta tambien al sabueso de la muerte (que claramente va a tener 3 cabezas) ya que tengo 3 a 5 jugadores y no seria justo que le peguen todos al pobre portero!  

 Desde ya gracias por la ayuda!
(odio meter estas cosas oscuras sobre las cuales no hay informacion)


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