Glorantha qques News

Auteur: Nidurias <nidurias_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:12:43 +0200 (CEST)

Glorantha Second Age - Ralios, premier supplément de Mongoose pour Glorantha, est disponible en version PDF, 41 pages, 4.95 $ :    

  En attendant la sortie de Glorantha-The Second Age, prévue pour octobre...        

  ILH 2 devrait être dispo, sous peu :    

"ILH2 - The Imperial Lunar Hnadbook, Volume 2, is back from the printers and getting through the distribution chain. Warehouse 23 will be selling it shortly, and Impressions Adv. is getting it to distributors. There will be plenty for all very shortly."

  Un Unfinished-Work "Middle Sea Empire" devrait suivre :    

"Within 2 weeks we will also have the "Middle Sea Empire" Unfinished Work in print and for general sale. The Unfinished Works don't get sold through nearly as many stores, so the web is your best bet for that book."


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