Re: using two weapons [eventually]

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 08:15:04 -0700 (PDT)

>From the perspective of a player, what I would want is
that the dual weapon use can be easily represented on my character sheet, that I don't have to remember any additional rules, that I can use this skill whenever I think it is appropriate to the story, and that use of the skill does not interrupt the flow of the game. On my character sheet, I would represent it something like "Two Sword Fighting" similar to "Spear and Shield Fighting". If a modifier is appropriate because of some particular situation in the narrative, I would expect the narrator to handle it without telling me. I would not expect to incur a penalty or bonus simply because I use two swords instead of a spear and shield.

>From a narrator's perspective, I would not want to
fiddle around with different rules for different weapons. I would want my players to tell me what they are trying to do. I'll then tell them how successful they are. This is partly a matter of personal preference: I dislike simulationist rules. (I once ran a session of The Other Game (TM) where players did not get a copy of their character sheets, so that they had to play the characters, rather than playing the character sheet.)

Chris Lemens

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