Re: tim the enchanter

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 12:17:47 +0100

> From: "Tim Ellis" <tim_at_...>
>(interesting side question. If I have "Magic Item 1W" as one of my
>starting abilities, and during the adventure, lend it to another
>PC,what rating does he use it at? What if I spend HP on it and raise
>it to 5W2 over the course of play? What if I die, and another PC (my
>new character? someone elses PC) takes the item (and, if appropriate
>spends a HP to cement it))

Great question. Depends on campaign. In my game I'd probably encourage players to pass on the posession to his bloodline (possibly allowing a new PC to acquire the item by cementing it). In a different campaign I'd probably allow it to be acquired by another PC.

If the item was a really problematic one I'd deal with it by theft etc. prior to PC acquisition.


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