Re: HeroQuestion

From: Charles Corrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 08:56:15 -0000

> But it's Eurmal! That's what his magic *is*. He's such a good
> liar that he can convince you of anything for a brief period
> of time, even if you *know* it to be false. He can certainly
> manage it for long enough to make you mess up the heroquest...

> If the local clan trickster is "standing in" for Eurmal on
> the quest, I'm sure there's be some retribution coming once
> the lie is seen through.

If the clan trickster takes the role of Eurmal on the quest, then the trickster's sponsor may be able to exercise some control over the powers (and power) of Eurmal's Fool Foal. Of course, Eurmal's nature will force the trickster to attempt to betray this planning but the quester should get explicit preparation for this.

And what's in it for the trickster? Well of course, there's the opportunity to avoid that beating! But there is the chance of a cuddle too and guess what trickster will try for...


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