Quest challenge refinement

From: ryan.caveney_at_...
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:32:31 -0000

Then let's restart that, shall we?

IIRC, there were four main options presented:

  1. Just let them double.
  2. Let them use the skill they would have gained to try for a one-time permanent augmentation.
  3. Use some addition method that accounts for the logarithmic nature of the skill system, like Julian and Alex's tables. This depends on what you think "double" ought to mean: +5, +10, or something else -- for reference, the tables for duration and distance in the advanced magic chapter seem to use +20 = x5, which is equivalent to x2 = +8.6.
  4. Just don't add. Give them some other, new skill at the same ability score, which they could sometimes use to augment and sometimes use instead, but which would have to be raised separately.

Does that cover everything?

Ryan Caveney

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