Re: Re: Player characters challenging societies' rules

From: Nick Eden <nick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 00:27:07 +0000

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 19:46:05 -0000, you wrote:

>Gareth wrote:
>> RPG characters designed as "fish out of water" and iconoclasts; to me
>> it substantially decreases their utility in play. Instead of being
>> real people in a real world they become acciedantal tourists making
>> comedy faux pas and avoiding social responsibility for their actions.
>Completely agree.
>Why not play a D&D Magic User who's accidentally teleported himself to
>Glorantha, if you can't be bothered to engage with Gloranthan culture,
>history and myth?
>Cheers, Nick

While I largely agree, there's an awful lot of culture, history and myth to expect new people to take on board. A D&D MU may be stretching it, but I can certainly see plenty of times when it's a lot easier to have players taking on the role of outsiders than expecting them to just click with things we've spent 20 years havering on about.

My next HeroWars game will probably be focussed on Lunar settlers who've been given land in Dragon Pass and have to try and work out who their hairy neighbours are and how to get on with them. Very much easier to engage new players with something like that than give them 1000 pages of HeroWars texts and expect them to read and understand the lot.

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