Re: Initiates & Devotees

From: wulfcorbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:35:32 -0000

> Personaly I think it's completely back-arsewards. Improvised feats
> should be are at normal affinity ability (so initiates always
> roll on their Affinity ability for feats and enhancements), and
> devotees get a bonus when attempting the god's special feats.
> That way feats that obviously give you an enhancement are still
> good, because if you're a Devotee you can get a bigger enhancement
> from it.

Depends on how you look at magic. Anything 'Improvised' should be at a penalty, I would say. But, on the other hand, Initiatehood is the 'standard' level of ability in Glorantha (very few people are Devotees in most cults). Of course, Devotee is probably the 'standard' PC level...

As I use it, Initiates DO get good magic, used as Augments. They have tuned into their deity's magic, and are enhanced by it. But they cannot duplicate his abilities yet, so they cannot replicate specific feats.


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