Re: Initiates & Devotees

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:42:27 -0000

I'd rather start off most of my PCs as Initiates and see how the characters develop. I can't stomach the idea that improvised enhancements and feats (effectively all Initiate Affinity use) is at a penalty, and I can't see how to justify allowing Initiates to improvise enhancements, while penalising their use of obviously enhancing feats. Therefore the only sensible option I can see is that all improvisations are at no penalty, and feats give a bonus.

> As I use it, Initiates DO get good magic, used as Augments. They
> tuned into their deity's magic, and are enhanced by it. But they
> cannot duplicate his abilities yet, so they cannot replicate
> feats.

How do you run Swordhelp then?

Simon Hibbs

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