Re: Hero Wars is now part of Heroquest

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 04:45:42 EST

In a message dated 28/03/02 18:58:39 GMT Standard Time, writes:

<< s this Hero Wars is dead. Long live Heroquest? >>

With similar provisos as other posters (I know nothing, this is just opinion):

Hero Wars is clearly an unsuitable name for games set in Glorantha that do not deal directly with the Hero Wars. It is an unsuitable name for old style games set in Pavis, games set in different eras, and games that are not really involved in world shattering third age events.

I believe Herequest was the name that Hero Wars would have had if not for copyright considerations, so this is an ideal chance to reclaim the original name.


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