RE: Hero Wars is now part of Heroquest

From: Terry Harvey-Chadwick <terryhc_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 10:09:33 -0000

Why is Hero Wars clearly unsuitable for games set anywhere except the Hero Wars period? Hero Wars is a game system, a set of rules and guidelines. What is done with it is entirely up to the GM and players, limited only by their imaginations. All through the Ages of Glorantha warriors and Heroes have had access to the same forms of magical powers. The difference between an old style Pavis dungeon bash and a campagn on the grand scale of the fantastic Gwandor campaign is the imaginations of everyone playing. I wouldn't use RQ for Pavis and HW for a grand Sartar campaign, I'd use HW for both, and improve the quality of the Pavis adventure.

Hero Wars (and the upcoming Hero Quest) is a fantastic system for letting the imagination run riot, enabling Glorantha to become much more of an experience than the old RQ systems. I've spent 20 years playing RQ 2 & 3, and they were brilliant, but only because they were set in Glorantha. Hero Wars outshines those older systems, especially for us more mature players, as it lets you do all the things you wanted to do in RQ, but couldn't.

The way I see it, Hero Quest is Hero Wars 2nd edition. However, due to an organisational shakeup, Hero Quest is now the rules system, and Hero Wars is the set of supplements set at the end of the Third Age in Dragon Pass. I would expect to see all sorts of other supplements coming out for other Gloranthan settings, which can only be the the benefit of the Glorantha community and Issaries themselves.

If I'm wrong, never mind. These are only the ramblings of an old Gloranthaphile. I'll go back under my rock now.

  -----Original Message-----
  Sent: 29 March 2002 09:46
  Subject: Re: Hero Wars is now part of Heroquest

  In a message dated 28/03/02 18:58:39 GMT Standard Time, writes:

  << s this Hero Wars is dead. Long live Heroquest? >>

  With similar provisos as other posters (I know nothing, this is just   opinion):

  Hero Wars is clearly an unsuitable name for games set in Glorantha that do   not deal directly with the Hero Wars. It is an unsuitable name for old style
  games set in Pavis, games set in different eras, and games that are not   really involved in world shattering third age events.

  I believe Herequest was the name that Hero Wars would have had if not for   copyright considerations, so this is an ideal chance to reclaim the original


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