Re: Hero Wars is now part of Heroquest

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 09:38:46 -0800

> Why is Hero Wars clearly unsuitable for games set anywhere except the Hero
> Wars period?

"The Hero Wars" are a collection of events that occur at, and cause, the end of the Third Age. It would be like calling a set of time-generic rules (allowing play in any period from the rise of Cro-Magnon Man until the End of Man As We Know Him) "The American Revolution".

> The way I see it, Hero Quest is Hero Wars 2nd edition. However, due to an
> organisational shakeup, Hero Quest is now the rules system, and Hero Wars
> the set of supplements set at the end of the Third Age in Dragon Pass. I
> would expect to see all sorts of other supplements coming out for other
> Gloranthan settings, which can only be the the benefit of the Glorantha
> community and Issaries themselves.

Basically, yes. The name change allows Issaries to make good on promises made nearly 25 years ago, reclaims a title that Greg has hoped to keep, and divorces the game mechanics from a specific moment in time in Glorantha.


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