Re: Why some of these debates just may not be resolved

From: stefan.drawert_at_...
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 19:40:40 +0200

Hallo ian_hammond_cooper,

Freitag, 18:29:54, schrieb ian_hammond_cooper:

>If what you wanted was

ian_hammond_cooper> RQ4e fine - posting here is not going to transform this game into
ian_hammond_cooper> that one. They are too different in conception. If you have tried but
ian_hammond_cooper> hate Hero Wars's approach, but like Glorantha maybe you need to look
ian_hammond_cooper> for a style of gamesystem that better suits your needs.

I did not memorize all those posts on that topic, but I'm quite sure that nobody wanted to reanimat the simulationist vs narrativist discussion. although I haven't encountered the discussed problem in my game yet, I still think it is legal to discuss the loopholes of a game system, of which Hero Wars has its fair share.

this might be uninteresting for the more dedicated gamers, but for each of them there are at least 99 gamers out there who will gladly tear apart a game with rules as vague as HW.
since HW depends on sales it would be good to make sure that there will beat least consensus about the basic rules, which after 2 years does not seem to be the case even among people who wrote them/write for the game. I'm not sure if this has any parallelism in rpg-history.

my campaign works and is enjoyed by both players and narrator. but it's working because WE want it to work and graciously ignore any discrepancies, and not because the rules as written are coherent.

ian_hammond_cooper> Hero Wars is not trying to being the same kind of game RQ, GURPS, or
ian_hammond_cooper> D20 are. Arguments that call for it to be so will just degenerate
ian_hammond_cooper> into pointless flamewars.

who claimed this?
if IYO D20 means "working rules", count me in...:)

ian_hammond_cooper> And no I was not planning on monitoring this thread so your howls of ian_hammond_cooper> protest may be ingored.

that makes me wonder why you've posted in the first place..

no offence meant!


 Freitag, 19:10:33

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