The Forge, Ron Edwards, GNS

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:05:37 +0100 (BST)

David Cake:
>If, like me, you haven't read it before, I recommend
starting as the beginning,<

The whole site is worth exploring if you have some time. Ron's site has some interesting forums on RPG theory and design (and has a Hero Wars forum). The discussion there is more infrequent and of a different tenor to that here, being more concerned with the innovative features of the system and how to run Hero Wars (topics like theme and premise) than clarifying varous rules features.

If you like the style of Ron's article the work of his that I have seen 'Sorcerer and Sword' might be of interest to you for its enthusiasm and radical approach.

The indie rpg community seems to be have given a 'thumbs-up' to the efforts made by Hero Wars to take a different approach to RPGs. The posters there have something interesting things to say about Hero Wars and RPG mechanics in general and have and do impact on the way I think about and approach the game, particularly in appreciating its narratavist approach and the idea of putting story first.

Take Care,

Ian Cooper
07970-411892 (M)
0207-337-6217 (W)

"They were seven in all, and therewithal both sides rushed into the fight. Thorarin slew a house-carle of Thorbiorn's, and Alfgeir another, and there fell also a housecarle of Thorarin's; but no weapons would bite on Odd Katlason. Now the goodwife Aud calls out on her women to part them, and they cast clothes over the weapons." The Story Of The Ere-Dwellers Chapter 18

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