Groking Illusion (Re: Sense Runic Powers - an example)

From: jamesjhawkins <James.Hawkins_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 11:05:13 -0000

Thoughts pretty much at random.....

> > > My Irripi Ontor character used the See + Hear
> > > Historical Events feat to see what happened.

As Narrator: Sensing the use of Illusion runic powers doesn't counter the illusion *1, nor does it tell you what was illusory about the scene your character sees *2.

As Player: If I KNOW there's an illusion, I can use my other Truth magic better. So give me an augment.

Also, like others who have mailed, I don't buy Illusion as meta-magic since it has a rune.


*1 Just like knowing your opponent was using Death magic wouldn't help you dodge the Humakti's blade.

*2 Other illusions that could have been used: The assassin went up to the dignitary and gave him a big hug (not a stab). The assassin escapes. Then the dignitary dies when the illusion stops running.
The dignitary's trusty bodyguard stabbed him, and got caught.

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