Re: Re: Followers, Hurts and Lvls of defeat - or victory!

From: stefan.drawert_at_...
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 16:50:40 +0100

Hi Mike,

Donnerstag, 14. November 2002, 16:30, schriebst du:

> I have a related question:

> Here's the situation:
> A hero and followers go through an extended group contest, winning and
> losing a few rounds, but let's say finally ending up with oh, 10% of
> their starting AP and a complete defeat for the opponent.

so it's more than likely that the follower is out of the contest before the end of it.
the narrator can decide whatever he wants to happen to him then, though I wouldn't be too nasty.

> Since the hero's AP is positive, he is theoretically uninjured. And
> though 90% of his "ability to act" has been lost, as far as I can tell
> the rules suggest that all his followers are just fine too. Sure, cuts
> scrapes, but nothing in the rules says anything about the status of
> the followers IF the hero ended with more than 0 AP.

IIRC, the follower's status is only lowered when the hero looses a contest. as you said 'cuts and scratches', nothing else.

take care,



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