Re: Re: Frustrating rules

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:13:23 +0000

>Stop assuming that everyone wants or likes the openness of "modern"
>Glorantha (I'm more inclined to call it "muddiness"). One of the
>attractions that Glorantha originally had for me was its depth of
>detail and how it hung together (without being utterly alien like
>Tekumel). And one of the attractions of using someone else's setting
>is so that I don't have to spend time making up the world, and I can
>concentrate on the specifics of the campaign.

I'm afraid this is probably the source of our problem. I don't believe that "modern" Glorantha hangs together any less than "original" Glorantha. The ways it hangs together have changed, in some cases considerably, and the level of detail is hugely greater, but to my mind it all hangs together perfectly satisfactorily.

>In short, if something is explained or defined, it's one less thing
>that I have to just make up. I can ignore or change anything I want,
>and it's more likely to fit if I know what the designer originally
>intended. The key is the "M" in YGMV. It stands
>for "may". "Modern" Glorantha is changing that "may" to a "will",
>and I don't like the implications of that.

All role playing games require that your game WILL vary. Anything creative will always do that.

Now for my usage, the feats are (with a very small number of exceptions) defined perfectly well. I've been trying to explain how they are usable as is. I get that you don't see this, but I'm not sure why. This isn't meant as a criticism of you! I'm vaguely coming to the conclusion that the problem is that you want feats to do ONE thing, whereas they can (potentially) do lots of things.

>Your advice has been helping some, but you're not going to convince
>me to change what I want out of a game. Just recognize that it's
>different than what you want and equally valid.

I'm not trying this at all! I'm trying to find ways for the rules that are there to provide the game you want. Perhaps I'm not achieving this, but I haven't seen anything in your comments that means it isn't possible.


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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