Re: Frustrating rules

From: miker19036 <miker_at_...> <miker_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 21:48:11 -0000

And I don't like the muddiness. Glorantha is more muddy now than it was before. Hero Wars doesn't help this.

> >In short, if something is explained or defined, it's one less thing
> >that I have to just make up. I can ignore or change anything I
> >and it's more likely to fit if I know what the designer originally
> >intended. The key is the "M" in YGMV. It stands
> >for "may". "Modern" Glorantha is changing that "may" to a "will",
> >and I don't like the implications of that.
> All role playing games require that your game WILL vary. Anything
> will always do that.

I'm just going to grind my teeth here, as I really am convinced that you're not trying to annoy me.

> Now for my usage, the feats are (with a very small number of
> defined perfectly well.

That is YOUR opinion. I don't share it. This is personal taste. I don't think you're wrong. You should think I'm wrong.

> I've been trying to explain how they are usable as
> is. I get that you don't see this, but I'm not sure why.

It's because we're wanting two different things out of Glorantha.

> This isn't meant
> as a criticism of you! I'm vaguely coming to the conclusion that
> problem is that you want feats to do ONE thing, whereas they can
> (potentially) do lots of things.

No, that's not the issue. I don't care about how many things a feat can do. I care about having those feats (and ANY OTHER game constructs) to be well defined. Well defined does not mean rigid.

My comment about YGMV above means that I want to have the choice to change things, not be forced to change things by having to make them up (and yes, I consider having to decide what the Wind Above spirit is to be "making it up").

> I'm not trying this at all! I'm trying to find ways for the rules
that are
> there to provide the game you want. Perhaps I'm not achieving this,
but I
> haven't seen anything in your comments that means it isn't possible.

Once again, I don't consider the Wind Above spirit to be the rules; it's a construct of the setting.

The problem, which someone hit upon in an earlier message by accident, is that modern Glorantha appears to be more about storytelling (in the proper non-White Wolf sense) than about roleplaying. If Issaries wants Hero Wars to be more storytelling than roleplaying, that's fine. I'm not much for storytelling games, and Hero Wars said "roleplaying" on the tin (to steal someone else's phrase :).

Mike Ryan

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