Re: Neat Idea

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 02:04:26 EST

Roderick writes:

<< System eh? Okay, off the top of my head...  

 Inflict a Wound with enough points to remove the edge provided by the  shield. IE - a ^1 shield would need a 7 point win (not bid!) to be  destroyed, a ^2 shield 14 AP, etc. Same for Weapon or Armor breakers ->>

I'm just nitpicking for the purpose of discussion here, but I would have thought the bonus:edge ratio should remain the same here, so a wound (-1, equivalent to 7 AP) should be equivalent to the loss of ^2 edge from a shield. Admittedly this gives an awkward 3.5 for the loss of an edge but I think it follows more logically. I would go for the rounding up of requirement and need all of the weapon/shield to be zapped in one action.

Another system that could be considered is the "negative augment of your enemy" approach. Target the opponent with a negative augment equal to the value of the equipment (eg ^2 has a resistance of 5) so a shieldbreaker ability can put out of action a shield very easily with an unrelated action.


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