Re: Re: Walking 0w2

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 19:46:13 +0000 (GMT)

> Look, the 0w2 "can't fail" rating should only be
> used when you are in a
> contest of a "can't fail" ability against a
> creature/monster/villain that
> has some way to emulate that ability (via magic or
> skill).

Actually, the situation I originally asked about was when your player hero has a large minus to all actions (due to injury, alcohol, whatever), such that finding it difficult to stand, much less walk, would seem reasonable. I wanted to know what large number I should be subtracting my "to all actions" penalty from before rolling.

And the walking in the example that inspired the question was across the deck of the Cradle to the first aid kit on the far side. No serious obstacles (well, a large pile of bodies, but we're Humakti, that doesn't count!).

(Of course, once she got there, actually using her First Aid skill with those minuses was interesting! But we survived it, somehow.)

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