Re: Secondary Magic Effects.

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 14:39:23 -0800

> I have some random questions about magic.
> * Do sorcerors have the same pyrotechnics that accompany theistic
> magic?

Sure. what good is a Magic Dingus if it looks old and crappy? How can you over-awe the pagans when your magic doesn't look spectacular? (Or for that matter, your rivals on the Unseen U. faculty). There are probably specialty orders that have silent, invisible spells; but for the most part Sorcery is just as loud and impressive as theism or spirits.

> * Do sorcerors ever benefit from elemental advantages. That is to
> say, does a sorceror using Grimoire "Book of the Triumphant Sun" get
> the same boost against a Xiola Umbar magician that a follower of
> Elmal would get?

The elemental progression is universal to Gloranthan Magic. So yes, a magician of any kind using Fire/Sun magic will get a bonus vrs Darkness. It doesn't matter if it's sorcery, theism, or a spirit (or a talent in HQ).


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