Re: lucky

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 00:41:24 EDT

<< The first is 'Lucky'. I asked for examples of use, and he suggested
 that in combat an opponent that was about to kill him might  trip over and miss, or he might 'luckily' guess a password, etc.  Essentialy he could use it to help him in pretty much any situation  where a lucky accident might help him.>>

I think this is a bit boring of the player. I don't think I would disallow the ability, but I wouldn't make it as useful as this would seem to be. I might allow it instead of "tough" (for example) as the 'final action' enabling ability. I might allow it at ridiculously high improv. modifiers when nothing else would work. I might suggest it could be used as a positive edge in an extended contest that always increases the amount of APs forfeited or trnasfered.   

<< The other ability is 'intuitive Leap', which would allow his
 character to gues or figure out just about any kind of  information he might want to know. >>

I would probably only allow this to augment other mental abilities, or only useable if all other avenues of finding out the information needed have failed. (Particularly if the players are suffering from a lack of ideas to solve the particular puzzle that the narrator thought was obvious.)


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