Re: flaws

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 00:41:33 EDT

<< I've been tinkering about with letting players "earn" extra hero points by
increasing flaws.  

 Increase a flaw by 1 between adventures (episodes/sessions/pick yer own name) and you get an additional hero point to spend. You get double if the flaw affected you during the adventure.>>

This is actually close to my version of Mysticism. You get a hero point effect (ie a bump during a contest) by increasing your entanglements (flaws) with the material world, the garden of temptation. The powerful Mystic is therefore free from flaws but unwilling to use his stash of potential hero points because he knows he will fall victim to his own desires. Magical effects for Mystics are really just Hero Points being spent in those "Hi-ya!!!" moments.  

<< The other thing I've allowed was for a player to bump a roll without a
hero point then increase a flaw or gain a new one related to the situation they're in. "You've escaped from the tongue of the cliff toad but you feel queasy 'round amphibians from here on in."  

 I know it's a bit GURPS like, but it seems to work okay with my players.>>

I think it is always fun to gain a flaw if ever one suffers a complete defeat - (victim suffers a permanent effect)  

<< The only problem comes when someone works out a creative way of using a
flaw: "I'm cowardly so I've got a better chance of escaping as I was already standing at the back...">>

It is up to the Narrator to twist the flaw to the players disadvantage in creative and amusing ways.  


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