Re: Many-onto-one combats

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 18:24:14 +0100

In article <001b01c35060$a2b72560$8b6a7640_at_...>, Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...> writes
>> >How do you think it ought to go?
>> Lots of dead clansmen, but the hero finally bought down by sheer
>> numbers. The sort of thing that occurs in downbeat films in slow motion
>> at the end (e.g. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid).
>> Which of course can be done by GM fiat, but that could leave a bad taste
>> in the mouth of the player.
>Well, the genre you are playing in and that you are trying to recreate are
>two different things, then.
>Your hero that can "scrape into w4 in specific occasions" sounds like a
>budding Capital-H Hero getting on the order of Sir Ehilrist, Gunda The
>Guilty or Beat-Pot Aelwrin.

I imagine those heroes as Close Combat low W4 or higher (OK 10W3+ according to the sample resitances), and then they start to augment... drastically. That plus companions and followers to really reach their full potential. Low W4 for this character is really cranking out the augments.

> He and his buddies should be able to take on a
>*Tribal* fyrd with a chance of beating them.

Err, she within the game, actually, a Vingan (surprise!) amongst way too many other religious links including an experimental-calls-itself-Orlanth-Dragonfriend pattern of "worship" - with said buddies and a cunning plan, I grant you they are scary, and indeed perform activities at a tribal level. Their tribe's Winter was pretty much broken before the Battle of Iceland, for instance.

However, in my imagining, I was contemplating them on their own, just walking up to a properly mustered fyrd and trying to kill them the old fashioned way.

> A mere clan fyrd should be no
>Your hero needs to set his sights higher.

Oh, they are - Prince Harvar Ironfist's days, I suspect, are numbered. Especially as he now has some trousers he shouldn't have (a long story).

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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