Re: Ritual questions

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 08:11:52 +0100

>I haven't readed HQ completely yet, but while I was reading the Basic Magic
>Chapter a few questions about rituals (pag. 102-103 from HQ book) arose:
>*Ritual Role Augmentation Modifiers
>Because I don't read english perfectly, I don't know differentitate between
>"Using proper Piety relationship for the role" and "Using a Piety
>relationship of the proper religion" cases. I think I need an example to
>notice the difference.

I'll explain it as I understand it. In the ritual Jane represents Bush Child. If she belonged to the same Tradition as Hench then she would have a Piety relationship of the proper religion. If she worshipped Bush Child specifically then she would have the proper piety relationship for the role.

Or to generalise the proper religion will be the Tradition or Pantheon the ritual belongs to (Monotheists are a bit less obvious - probably just being a Monotheist is enough for many rituals, unless it is something specific to a particular church). Roles on the other hand will be identified with a particular Spirit, God (or Hero) or Saint and if a worshipper of that entity fills that role then the "proper relationship for role" bonus applies

>*The killing Bone Ritual
>Hench offered a choice: help to damage or increase the chance of success.
>Everyone chose increase the chance of success and roll several magical
>abilities (with -20 I suppose) to augment the Killing Bone (and these bonus
>don't count at the preparation time).
>But, if anyone had chosen help to damage, how this choice should work?

That's hard to say. I would guess that there would have been another roll to determine the damage, if the first had succeeded. (It might be a hangover from an old version - but my best guess involves both old rules and running the ritual as an extended contest, so it isn't that likely)

>For last, the final attack of Hench is 12W2, but the final bouns of ritual
>is +11 before Hazeel, Bill and Rick augment with +7.
>It is 5W (initial) + 11 + 7 = 3W2... but Hench uses 12W2, Did I miss any
>extra bonus???

I didn't notice any.

The time taken for the preparations seems off as well (instead of using the bonuses as the rules say it adds the bonuses and the penalties together)

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Paul K.

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