Most People Use Several Magics

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 12:23:11 -0700

>ON the issue of multi-religions tho. If a person
>remains below=20
>concentrating their magic, and their faiths seem to
>suggest they are=20
>allied or such, is it possible to be an animist and
>a theist at the=20
>same time (or sorceror-theist).

Yes, and most people mix up their magic to have whatever is local and useful to them. Concentrating magic is an exceptionsal act for ordinary people.

>I know Orlanth has an animist god (wind shamans)
>and I imagine those=20
>Shamans would probably be lay members of Orlanth,
>and some might=20
>even want to become initiates... but would give it
>all up once they=20
>became shamans etc.

Most Orlanthi use spirits, gods or even local sorcery as useful to them.

>In Pavis the close alliance of Pavis and Flintnail
>suggest a similar=20
>type of thing is possible.

Mixed magic is normal for most people.

>If you allowed this, are they using misapplied
>worship for the=20
>second religion? Or are they genuine cross dressing

Neither. They pay the normal prices, which is 2 HP to advance. Like everyone else., Like all normal people. Like ordinary folk. Most people have mixed magic.

Greg Stafford

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