Re: Re: What's wrong with Kathy??

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 10:14:59 -0800

> > The ones complaining about Kathy are usually people who knew her early
> > the process. (Of course, I knew her first of all, as I stole the name of
> > boss for the "Narrator Character" :-) ).
> Actually you're the only person I've seen complaining about Kathy before
> thread, and I think this last sentence explained much :D

Oh, Alex and a couple others have as well.

Actually, the real Kathy is a wonderful person, and the examples in HeroWars were much less arbitrary than the early-incarnation HeroQuest Kathy. The change in authors made for a change in Kathy's personality, and even way of speaking.

While I (and others) modified Kathy's more outrageous decisions, there are still some that make me say "That's not how I'd do it". But when over-ridden by the boss, all we can do is shrug and bear it.

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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