Re: Re: strange and weird abilities

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:45:14 +0000 (GMT)

> OK, this is too much fun not to play!

I really must pull that old campaign out of storage and see what we gave the trickster duck and the Vingan trollkin.

But in the meantime, flipping through characters (played or not) and their followers, I find

"intimidate males" and "smell emotion" off a Babs Gor

"Be incomprehensible to sages", "multi-dimensional
geometry" for an unused LM character who may yet show up as a Follower

Other peoples heroes (some now NPCs, some unused)
"Unchecked Tongue"
"Hailed in Countless Taverns"
"Third Kiss"
"Draw with Sand"
"Read pubic Praxian Knots" (this has got to be a typo,
"Burp Loudly"
"Insult Eloquently"
"Brew Ferocious Coffee" and "Drink Ferocious Coffee"
"Fear Teeth" (yes, gained this one in play)

(Reinier, want to list yours yourself? I seem to remember Blackbeak has some good stuff)

And back in RQ days, I had a character with a very high skill in "jump to wrong conclusion". I seem to remember "cast magic impressively" making an appearance, too.

Jane Williams

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