Re: Releasing a spirit (was: same magic, different source, different application, all at once?)

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 23:31:06 -0600

>From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>

>Releasing a spirit to directly add its might to an ability makes me
>afraid. That's one of the reasons the shaman in my game still functions
>with the HW rules. I mean, he has some powerful spirits, in the 10W-20W
>range, and I'm nervous with the idea of having such a monstrous augment.

I have to agree. I mean, I'm the first person to say that game balance doesn't matter. But why does the rest of the game go to lengths to make character types develop roughly equally, and then have this monstrosity of an ability thrown on top? Everyone knows that from a spotlight perspective, it doesn't matter how often you can use the ability. In fact, limiting it makes it even more lovable a trait because it means that when you use it, it implies a sacrifice. Making you look even cooler for using it.

It's like when the giant robot pulls out the sword, and you know it's all over. Sure he only does it once. He only needs to do it once.

What I'm hoping is that there's something that I'm missing about how this works. I mean, I just made this Practitioner character, and I'm feeling all guilty about wanting to have Fetishes. Part of why I was hoping that someone would support my idea that they started at only 13 instead of 17. Would ameliorate things a bit.


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