Re: Liturgists and Orderlies ("Wizardry for non Wizards!")

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:03:55 -0000

It is indeed in the FAQ, and was discussed here too, although I didn't spot it when looking back at these posts. I think it was raised as a separate issue.

> There are - usually - enough ritual benefits and augments to offset
> the multi-target penalties - I know, I figured them out for my new
> game but I don't have my calculations here.

It is a definite change from the HW approach, which we also discussed here, where the Congregation did count as a single target, but then the whole method of getting blessings has changed. In HW you rolled as normal for a rolled augmentation, in HQ you roll against a default 14 resistance to get the standard "default" augmentation on any success (rules not to hand, remind me:- If my skill is 17, but I get augments from Location, Time, Ritual Objects and Helpers/Supporters worth +20, is my "automatic augment" +2 or +4? In Other Words, do all the bonuses (and penalties) a Liturgist might get affect the quality of his blessing, or just the chance of him succeeding?)

I think I'd really want to play with some "proper" examples to see how this might work "in game" before completly ruling out making this a house rule, I'm sort of thinking it might be related to the "congregation" question (ie are you a "Member of Rokari Church congregation" or "Member of Redhold Chapel Congregation", where Redhold Chapel is a specific instance of the Rokari Church). If it is the latter then I only get the blessings when I attend my own (physical) church, which will limit the number that can be in the congregation. If I want to be able to receive blessings as part of more than one congregation then I will need to join both groups with the comcommitant cost in HP and time, as appropriate

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