RE: Re: Multiple Followers

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 08:52:40 -0600

>From: "Russell Cole" <russ_cole_at_...>

> > If the player only has a relationship with the unit, then he can
>only get
> > augments from it, either by using the augment off the abilty
>straight, if
> > approporiate, or by using it to roll on the community support
>table. This
> > means, no AP adding or lending, and that the unit is only
> > involved in whatever fights the character gets in (wathching his
> > engaging other foes to cancel multiple opponent penalities, etc)

I want to recant on this one. Essentially the unit is a supporting character of sorts. The GM plays it as he sees fit, but the character can use his relationship to try to get it to do things. If he does manage to get the unit to join (determine resistance per community support or something), then they would get a "unit strength" stat, and add APs thusly. Just not individually. Basically for one relationship, you get one pool to draw on. If you want more potential pools, then add more relationships.

Obviously, at the point that you get them to fight for you as far as lending APs, this is the point at which they're excellent candidates to become followers.

>Thanks Mike - I'll give it a go as you suggest. I like the idea of
>say a squad of troops watching the hero's back and adding their
>community support bonus, but not getting directly involved in the
>same way as a true follower would.

There are a lot of tools here available to define the actions of the characters involved. Just try to understand many of the options so that you can choose the best one when the time is right.


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