Re: Re: Playing Animists

From: Oliver Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 19:32:38 -0600


>But that's my point - I don't have to worry about play balance, because the
>game takes care of it in other ways. The percentage system seems to be
>to prevent D&D players from going nuts collecting religions. I don't have
>any D&D players, and I think that HQ would make converts of most if not all
>who were coming from that tradition of play. So, again, the system is
>ancillary. It protects against a non-existent threat AFAICT. Has anyone run
>up against the time limit in a meaningful way in play?

I'm preparing to run HQ with a bunch of unrepentant simulationalists none of whom will ever see 35 ever again. At least one of them is completely uninterested in relationship roleplaying. We all love Glorantha and want to roleplay but we're not necessarily going to storytell that much. I'm hoping HeroQuest will still work with our style of playing. Frankly a little structure's fine with me as story telling doesn't come naturally to me as a GMing style and I suspect I'll need all the crutches I can get. If you don't need the limits, ignore them YGWV after all, but why deprive others who might be happier with them?


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