Re: Playing Animists

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 15:13:25 -0000

Nope. I've been teaching the game as an MIB at many, many conventions and gaming stores since June (with an ever-more-battered pre-release copy of the rules). I can say that it IS a meaningful limit - I have been asked on a half-dozen occasions about 'why can't I join a s***- load of cults?' And often by the D&D crowd who are often very, very mechanistic in their game approach.  

Just sayin'

> I'm preparing to run HQ with a bunch of unrepentant
simulationalists none of
> whom will ever see 35 ever again. At least one of them is completely
> uninterested in relationship roleplaying. We all love Glorantha
and want to
> roleplay but we're not necessarily going to storytell that much.
I'm hoping
> HeroQuest will still work with our style of playing. Frankly a
> structure's fine with me as story telling doesn't come naturally to
me as a
> GMing style and I suspect I'll need all the crutches I can get. If
> don't need the limits, ignore them YGWV after all, but why deprive
> who might be happier with them?
> Oliver

True. Some folks like frameworks. Some folks need them. Some folks can ignore them.

I think its best that they are there as guidelines and I'm glad that they were left in.

Good luck with your recidivist gamer group, Oliver! =)


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