Re: slick little bid plan

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 19:09:31 -0400

At 8:55 PM +0000 5/24/04, Mike Dawson wrote:
>I know narrators aren't supposed to roll against themselves, but
>this is too interesting not
>to, especially as the Heroes might choose to get involved in any given round.

        You know, it might be better to "script it out" rather than figure out the APs and roll. So:

Turn 1: the Lunars finish their preparations; threads of red light begin wandering about the area. The demon roars, causing the icy walls to shiver.
Lunars: 250 AP Demon: 200 AP)

Turn 2: the threads find the demon! Thicker ropes of light spiral out across the room. The demon tears at them with its jagged paws. (Lunars bid 14, win. Demon bids 20, wins Lunars:230, Demon: 186)

        And so on. When the players get into the fight, adjust the APs accordingly. It'll keep you from sitting and rolling for an hour while your players sleep. You could always have a big bowl of red and white marbles and pull them out as the sides lose AP, the bowl getting redder or whiter as one side takes the lead....

Peter Larsen

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