Re: stealing school secrets

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 15:53:05 -0000

It's all becoming clearer to me as the discussion goes on...

> As I understand it, you've been cut off from the grimoire *node*.
Your "use
> grimoire" skill is now useless, since all it's good for is using
> grimoire to hook up with the node. Even if you swiped someone
> grimoire, it's still hooking up with the same node, and you can't
use that
> node.

Yes, It's really your "Use Grimoire<'s node>" that has become useless, and I think it was the bit in <brackets> that was eluding me before

> As I understand it, there are two ways you could buy a wizardly
spell from
> your grimoire:
> 1. You could spend a HP to improve the casting of *that specific
spell from
> the grimoire*. e.g. You have "use Grimoire of Cookery" at 5W, you
paid HP to
> get a +2 at the "make gravy" spell. If you cast "make gravy", you
still are
> using the grimoire, you still are connecting to the grimoire node,
but your
> skill is 7W instead of 5W.

I don't have the rules to hand at the moment, but I'm not sure this is right? I thought that you either used the Grimoire or learned the spell independantly, not increased specific spells within the grimoire. However I may be mis-remembering or mis-interpreting (or both!) the rules

> 2. Alternatively, you can learn any spell in the grimoire as a
> skill*, instead of a bonus to the grimoire skill. In this case,
> making a focus which connects to the *spell node* (instead of the
> node).

Again, I think this is a crucial distinction which is easy to overlook (and helps to explain why creating or amending a grimoire is so difficult). When you create a Grimoire you create a sort of "one stop portal" to a number of individual Spell nodes, so that whewn you cast a spell from the Grimoire the power is all coming from the Grimoire node rather than from the spell node. When you use your Grimoire to help you create a talisman for a spell, it links directly to the Spell node, not to the Grimoire node, (which is why you can augment one with the other). So the outcast Adept can be "cut off" from the Grimoire, yet still able to use all the spells that it contains if they have talismans for them, or if those same spells are known by another school from their own grimoire.

> > Or does the Ban increase the casting difficulty for all spells
> > to that grimoire node?
> I don't think it affects you if you're going to the spell node
> (case #2).

This now makes sense to me, and I agree with you.

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