Re: Re: The "use it once in a lifetime" skill

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 13:50:10 -0400

Hey Bryan,

That's certanly the way I was leaning. His character has a slightly Moorcockian bent, so the "patron" relationship is particularly appropriate. That has some elegance. Especially since it doesn't duck the basic HQ premise of everything being an ability. In this case, the lower number is just the relationship. Mind you, this may never come up. I think I would completely not define the Bane Staff until the player starts to define it in play. I'm just looking for models so I can do that easily if necessary.


On 27 Jul 2004 at 17:30, bethexton_at_... wrote:

> Well, given that most magic in Glorantha ultimately comes from an
> otherworld, and that something that potentially powerful would
> presumably be connected to something powerful....I'd make it a
> relationship. That is, whether the player knows it or not, the Bane
> Staff either contains a daimone (or spirit or essence), or else
> somehow has a channel to one. Learning to use the staff is really a
> matter of learning how to persuade daimone (or whatever) to do what
> you want. Poorly controlled but powerful implies something like
> a "patron" are trying to get them to pay
> attention to what you ask, but when you do they may deal with the
> problem in a way you don't anticipate at all.
> Note that there are all sorts of spirits and daimones (and gods!) out
> there, humans just normally deal with the ones that are most
> comprehensible to humans. The being behind the staff's power might
> be something quite thoroughly alien to humans, which is why it is
> hard to comprehend that there is more to randomness behind what it
> does.
> Just one thought on how to model that sort of thing. After all, is
> it that different having "staff of massive devestation" 13 and "Head
> of the Comet Seers is my great-uncle" 13?
> --Bryan
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