Re: City gods

From: flynnkd2 <flynnkd_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 04:23:47 -0000

> > The player liked the idea of
> >Pavis and wanted to play it. Having now invested a lot of time in
> >character, and his group wanting to move to Sartar he now gets
> >discarded?
> Which only shows the true colour of that character's friends.
> As for being discarded, he could easily chose another cult.
> What he can't do is help Sartar and Pavis.
> >It is ONLY a game, I thought the idea was to have fun.
> That doesn't mean that we should molly-coddle characters
> just because they have religious difficulties.

Ah now we get to a difference in play styles. My players play to have some fun, drink alcohol and eat pizza, and slay chaos. Its beer and pretzels with a lot of background because we are all old and have been playing these silly games for 20+ years.

We dont discard them as if a sheet of paper, but (through the alcoholic and pizza induced haze) grow fond of them and and like to recall their glorious (and ignoble) acts. Over time it becomes quite fun.

If for some reason the game shifts to new grounds where the alcohol is different (and they have thick crusts with extra cheese) then it isnt the players fault, so why shouldnt I molly coddle them.

I was actually seeking ideas on how to do it, rather then seeking rigid wisdom that says "no way!" YGMV!!!

> >I can easily
> >just ignore the information I have and let my players do anything,
> Then go for it and watch me care. Complaining about the
> advice that was given to you isn't going to change anything.

I wasnt so much complaining as looking for ways around it. Many apologies, I am less than a worm :-)

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