Re: Re: City gods

From: Victor Lane <thelhf_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 21:41:45 -0700

I think this falls under Maximum Game Fun and YGWV. If it's cool with the player and it's cool with the GM, why can't their Glorantha have a subcult of Pavis that lets them travel. (Perhapes a merchant subcult, worshiping a close friend of Pavis?) If in their Glorantha Zola Fel cultist -do- use kung fu, then YGWV! It's not canon, but who plays Glorantha compleatly canon and by the book?

--Victor's two clacks.

Peter Metcalfe wrote:

>At 08:31 PM 8/10/04 -0700, you wrote:
>>Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...> wrote:
>>>But Pavis is _unable_ to provide magic beyond Pavis, which is
>>>what is being argued about here.
>>Unless there's a subcult of Pavis which lets you use your magic while
>Such as? And why would Pavis be interested in such a cult? The
>purpose of his cult is the City, not to explore strange new worlds or
>promote the cause of pan-Heortling nationalism. Whatever next?
>Giving Zola Fel cultists a Kung fu affinity to defend themselves against
>>Or a heroquest with the same effect.
>Again for what purpose? Heroquests aren't carried out to obtain
>personal benefit. Why didn't the hero actually carry out a quest
>to actally benefit the City. Y'know like drive the trolls out of the
>Rubble, cleanse the Devil's playground etc.
>>Or a magic item which makes whereever you are count as part of Pavis.
>You are part of Pavis when you became initiated. Still doesn't allow
>you to cast magic beyond Pavis's boundaries.
>>Or a friendly local city-god who will honor your connection with Pavis by
>>granting magic.
>I can't think of any in Sartar, can you?
>--Peter Metcalfe
> ----------

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