Re: Re: Initiates and Devotees

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:06:16 +0100

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 08:50:14PM -0000, Rob wrote:
> The only question remains is that if you have a player who is an
> initiate and a common magic user her will claim that all his common
> magics are feats and not charms, talents or feitshes!!!

If they're concentrated (and an Evil Min-Maxer, boo-hiss) there's certainly that incentive, yes.

This has a certain logic to it, though: it's be fairly usual for, say, the Heortling, to have a preference for dealing with local hill-daimons to, water-spirits, for example.

> From what I can see most of the common religions or sources of magic
> tend to be talents and charms. hmmmm, (strokes beard sagely)

The 'generic' list (p29) is stated to be any/all of the four. Which isn't to say the PC has a _totally_ free, open-ended choice; it'd depend on their background what was 'likely'. (e.g. maybe for Heortlings, they're typically 'Flesh Man talents'.)

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