Re: Initiates and Devotees

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 21:12:34 -0000

> I got around this by saying that characters who start with
> concentrated magic (other than Common Magic or Lunar Magic) can
> with only two Common Magic abilities from a keyword - unless their
> Homeland justified more. (So the Darjiini Animist in my game is
> laughing). But the rules do say that taking both a Specialised
> Common Magic Keyword are subject to GM approval (p18).

and in the Heortling section all the common magic is via talents

In the Teshnos they are all charms, spells and talents

Esrolia seems good for the minimaxer - lots of feats and a theistic culture to boot


PS: You learn a lot about the game going through this process. cool.

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