RE: HP Avalanche

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 12:43:24 +0100

> > My players have just defeated the Crimson Bat. Great
> play on their
> > part, but I had predetermined that each survivor would get 50Hp to
> > spend, some of it directed. Any one else do that in their games?

> Seriously, I'd suggest much of that would be directed into
> relationships/reputation. "Famed for killing the Bat 10W"

> And into "Hated from all Lunar 10W2"

Not necessarily. Not all Lunars think the Bat is a good thing. Leave it as "famed for killing Bat" and that can be used as "hated by...." or "admired by..." with a slight improv. modifier.

But from other messages, it sounds as if those PCs have a lot of Relationships that need writing on character sheets. It sounds as if they've got Kallyr as an ally rather than as a patron? Leika probably isn't too keen on them. No doubt you've got other NPCs who will have strong feelings about them one way or the other. Directed HP.

For the non-directed stuff, this could be a good time to acquire followers and items, as the masses flock to admire the Heroes and give them presents. And not just the masses - empty the WW armoury and magic item collection on them.

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