Re: Lunar Magic

From: Jens Haeusser <jens.haeusser_at_...>
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 17:06:37 -0700

Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:

>Hi Jens,
>"Lunar" magic will be covered in ILH-2. It is currently undergoing revision
>(though specifics are under NDA, so can't be discussed).
>But to answer your question for the rules *as they are currently written*:

Thanks for the clarifications. I realize Lunar characters will be much more complete once ILH-2 comes out- it is my primary frustration with the otherwise excellent ILH-1. I should clarify the reasons for my confusion.

>>1. Can you use your retained common magic as an active ability, or only as
>>an augment?
>Only as an augment (ie, just like "normal" common magic).
>Page 113 box: "In either case the specified magic (either a specialized
>religion *or* common magic) gains the benefit of concentration but the
>"retained" magic does not."
>Using common magic as an active ability is a benefit of concentration.

In the section on Concentrating Magic Use (pg 108), it states:

"Additionally, any common magic abilities retained can now be used as active abilities, not just as augmentations"

This seems to indicate that retained Lunar Common magic should now be able to be used as active abilities, but would still cost double hero points to improve.

>>Does it make a difference if your common magic is directly from
>>your pantheon (IE could a Yanafal Tarnils initiate use his Seven Mothers
>>common magic actively, or only passively?)
>No difference. You have to give up all "non-lunar magic of any source", so
>*all* your common magic will be "Lunar" by default (any magic listed as
>"subject to the Lunar Cycles" is "Lunar" for these purposes).
>> <>2. Does anything change if you become a Devotee (ie do you have to
>> then
>> <>give up even your Lunar common magic)?
>Yes, just like a normal Devotee.

Here again page 118 states:

"A hero who wishes to be a devotee must have already concentrated his magic use, and furthermore must abondon all magic that does not come from his god"

If a character learned Common Magic from his god (ie a Deezola worshiper knowing Heal Hurt, or a Yanafal Tarnils worshiper knowing Combat Attack), why would he have to give it up? I recognize that the Deezola devotee would need to give up his Combat Attack talent, but surely his Heal Hurt feat comes from his god.


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