Re: Re: Animism: multiple traditions?

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 14:29:58 -0500

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>

>but it doesn't really impact you magico-religiously

Oh, we'll have to keep that term. :-)

>And do you realize that if you are that uncommitted, you can belong to a
>Pantheon, a Tradition, and a Church all at the same time? Sure you can, why
>not? Only 30% time committment, same as an Initiate or Practitioner or

Yes, that's what I've been trying to convince people of for hours now. The question that remains is can one be a practitioner, initiate, orderly, liturgist, or the like and be in other religions?

>As noted on page 131, "A tradition is a complete animist religion." How
>people do you know that seriously belong to two completely different
>Religions? "I'm a Christian *and* a Cheyenne Medicine Man". (note the word
>"Seriously" there - I know plenty of people that like to play "let's
>pretend" in their religion).

I think that's offensive to the people who do have more than one religious belief. Like myself. I'm a Catholic Zen Tao Sufi syncretist. No, really. Probably only at the worshipper level, but...


>99.9999% of people have only one religion (if they have any at all).
>we didn't think we needed to stress that. (Yes, I'm aware of the Eastern
>religions that stress that they aren't religions...)

I disagree. Depends in part on whether or not you think of those eastern religions as religions or not, but if they are religions then about a sixth of the world at least has more than one religion.

In any case, as we've pointed out, in ancient times, this was more common. Given a world that's by your own description more religious overall than ours is today, I think this is inevitable.

Now, there's the question of whether you can call a person's own synctetization a religion. That is, have I created my own religion for myself. And the answer is no, because, in fact, a religion refers to the social support structures of a particular belief system, not just the beliefs themselves. The point being I think people would belong to more than one religion in a world like Glorantha. And I'm not arguing commonality, either. It could be as rare as you like. I'm just arguing that it's possible.

>They can't. You can't belong to two different pantheons. You can leave one
>to join another (see page 121), but you can't be an active worshipper of
>entirely different pantheons. (At least, in rules terms, we talk of
>belonging to two cults in the same pantheon, or multiple practices within a
>Tradition, and of leaving your religion, but not of belonging to two
>different cults/practices/orders in two different religions). See pages
>121, 141 and 165.

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.

>Note that the Lunars are *not* an "entirely different religion" for the
>Empire - they have managed to insinuate themselves into *all* the different
>religions of the region. You can belong to your cultural religion and the
>Lunar religion at the same time.

Right. But not to two religions inside the Lunar sphere, right? Can't worship the Solar Pantheon, and the Rinliddi one, right?

>You are correct that there is no requirement for any Sorcerous character to
>concentrate his or her magic.
>Without concentrating your magic, there is no *game mechanical* restriction
>on belonging to different magical systems. However, this comes back not
>to having two different religions, but two (or three, or four if you count
>Common Magic) entirely different types of magic. *Can* you do it according
>to the rules? Yes. *Should* you do it, basing your decision to human nature
>and cultural bias? I say "No".

Well, in any case, you'd agree that it would really depend on the nature of the character in question, right? What his nature and biases are? I could hardly disagree. Where we disagree is in terms of how complex human belief systems can get, apparently.


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