RE: Re: Movement rates

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 07:35:49 -0000

> >It would be good if the first guy could get back in time for the
> >ceremony that has to take place at the dark of the moon.
> It's now full
> >moon. Is this reasonable and possible, or will the rest of the group
> >plan for his absence?
> >
> >A moon-boat leaves Boldhome at the same time, heading elsewhere. How
> >far will it have got by the time either messenger gets to
> WW? Will the
> >consequences of its arrival at wherever have an impact, or not?
> >There are no rolls here.
> Why not?

Against what skill? "Predict average travel times"? No, knowing that sort of information comes under "no self-respecting hero...". Sure, there'll be variables. But in the RW, I can tell you that I can make it to work in 15 minutes in perfect conditions, a few minutes longer if it's raining, and ten minutes longer if I get stuck behind a tractor. Heavy snow, add an hour or two. So today I'll be allowing 20 minutes. Now, where was the roll? I might make a roll *after* I set out, but that's nothing to do with the decision about when to stop reading email and leave the house.

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