Re: Possible house rules on concentrating magic

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 20:53:55 -0000

> It strikes me you'd be better of dropping "Selfrock Teaching" from
> your Glorantha and only allowing people to concentrate on Common
> Magic if they join one of the Common Magic Religions (Lanbril,
> Donadar or the Mother of Seabirds whose name I forget, for
> instance). This has the added benefit that people who do join those
> religions don't also have to become Rockhuggers to concentrate.

I really like this idea, which does a much better job of accomplishing my goal than my proposed rules. In particular, it provides a nice, simple answer to the question of "Why would anyone join an organization for magic and commit a bunch of time to it when they can concentrate Common Magic for very low cost?"

I'd generalize the idea slightly: Characters who want to concentrate any kind of magic (not just Common Magic) can't do so at will. Instead, they must learn the secret of doing so from some organization and make an ongoing commitment of their time and resources to that organization. The organization might be a theist cult, an animist practice, a wizard school or order, a common religion, or some kind of craft guild. I'd probably set the bar at something like 25% of the character's time and resources.


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