Re: Experience Contribution (was Possible house rules onconcentrating magic)

From: Nick Hollingsworth <nick.hollingsworth_at_...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 14:01:02 -0000

If you use the time limits as limits then this seems the most sensible approach.

Frankly a GM with only 3 or 4 hours gaming time a week does not have the time to spend discussing with players what they are spending their HP on. I agree that its important that they do - but its dull book keeping and is robbing time from the game.

Its possible to use the limits the other way round to cut down on GM involvement. Ie - 'as an initiate you can spend up to 30% of your HP on anything you get from Vangarth without asking if its justified by the last play session'.

(And re self rock teaching: If I kept it at all I would rule that it 'takes' 30% of your time but does not justify anything).

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