RE: One session per season...

From: Kevin P. McDonald <paul_mcdonald_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 17:50:14 -0500

From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...

>>This sounds like a style of playing I've never encountered, and I'm
>>intrigued. How do you even squash one "scenario", much less an entire
>>season, into one session?

In my game the rate of time passage varies according to the needs of the story, but I shoot for one episode per game year. A typical episode is composed of five "acts" which each have something less than five "scenes" each. We are flexible, though. We had a big year recently (1625) that took four episodes to finish - and the last episode in the story arc was in Sea Season of 1626.

As others seem to do, we gloss over the day-to-day activities of our heroes. These activities sometimes get important enough to require a simple contest to resolve, but usually I just narrate my way through them. The actual episodes are reserved for really colorful events. Depending on the story, I occasionally spread an episode over several seasons.

I am trying to get some sort of campaign narrative online, so you can take a peek at it if you like. Be forewarned, though. My players are not gloranthaphiles and our style of play isn't exactly sophisticated. :)

~Kevin McD

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